The Wait Is Over.

We are happy to announce the Official Release of Cherry Tobacco and our Brand New Look. We wanted to do a Pre-Release/Order sale, but we have made you wait long enough.  We are going to give the same discounted price you would have gotten, but without the wait to ship. This discount is a 20% discount on any Cherry Tobacco Product or Cherry Tobacco Combo.

We didn’t forget about our subscribers, you should have already received your additional perk via email this morning. If you have not, check your junk mail.

What’s New? Beyond the look……….We have changed our formula to simplify our unique blend and bring you the highest quality oils for the same low price. Give it a try…….Tell your friends!

Discounted price ends 9/8/2017 11:59 EST

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Subscribe to our Newsletter.

Do not forget to subscribe to our Newsletter. We have two places on our Website you can sign up. One is at the bottom right hand side of our home page and the other is at the very top. If you sign up through the top banner you will automatically receive a 10% off discount code. That is just the beginning. Starting Monday our subscribers will receive exclusive deals every week. These deals will not be released to everyone else. Signup Today!

Our Up & Coming Beard Balm

Our Spring Creek Beard Balm is an up and coming product. This scent is great or everyone. One customer said he was happy to find a product that didn’t smell like “tree bark”. Although, I wouldn’t say any of ours smell like tree bark, I understood what he was saying. Some of our beared brethren simply want something other than the same ol’ same ol’. They are finding that in our Spring Creek Beard & Mustache Products. Give them a try. KBC011

Bourbon – Beard Balm

Our Keystone Bourbon scent has been our top seller since the beginning. Our Bourbon Balm has been at the top Product in the Scent. Beard balm is a leave-in conditioner that conditions, moisturizes, softens and assists with styling your beard. Our beard balms contain Shea butter for softening and moisturizing, fractionated coconut oil as an antiseptic moisturizer, and beeswax for sealing in moisture. Keystone Bourbon is an intoxicating woody Bourbon Blend, which will evoke memories of nights out on the town.  We encourage you to try any of the Bourbon Products for your self. KBC008

Upcoming Special Edition Beard Balm & Oil

We have decided on a Cherry Tobacco Scent to be released before Fall. We will be making both Balm and an Oil.  It is really exciting to work on something new after being in business for over a year. We will be doing a Pre-Order Sale to be announced within the next few weeks. Keep checking for updates hear or over at our Website. If you don’t want to miss the release or Pre-sale, sign up for our Newsletter. Simply stop by our site and submit your email in the lower right hand side. It only takes a few seconds.pexels-photo-26211